Monday, January 21, 2008

White History 101 and class discussion

It's true that in Younge's writing White History 101 he was being very sarcastic about having a White history month. I myself am not at all for having a whole month where whites are discussed and celebrated. It seems that is all of the history we ever get anyway from the very time we are born. Being a white person myself and growing up in a school system that was prodominately white I feel that I was neglected in many ways about hearing the truths and the other sides to a lot of history. There is always another way of looking at something. Who is right, wrong, or otherwise makes no differnce but it gives the world and especially those with young eyes a better way to grow and make their own decisions in how they will think and feel about others. I have been lucky enough to have parents who have open minds to all sorts of people, and who are loving to people of all different kinds. This has helped me to see through a lot of things that was taught to me in a school setting. White History 101's author was completely right in the sense that white history... needs to not be taught more of at all, but needs to be taught better. There needs to be better story tellers. There are so many different histories. In french 'l'histoire' can mean history or story. Don't we all just have different stories to tell about our past?

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